Survey Monkey (blog 12)


Survey Monkey has been used many times by my teachers in my own educational journey and that is why I have selected this technology.

SurveyMonkey Review | PCMag

 Video:Survey Monkey 


What it is:

Survey Monkey is a website where teachers or students can create surveys to gather information on a topic or to see what students have learned about a topic. Teachers can create surveys that ask students how much of certain topics they know about or can create them to ask students what they think about lesson content such as history events. Teachers can also use Survey Monkey to create surveys for their students to take to gather information on different things such as their backgrounds, cultures, interests etc.

Usage and what it's able to do:

  • Survey Monkey is easy to use. As a teacher or student all you have to do is log in with a google account. After this, teachers can click "create survey" and then "start from scratch". Teachers then can name their survey, choose a survey category and choose a survey format. They are able to type their own questions and choose hwo they would like the answers to the question to be presented. This includes multiple choice, drop down, star ratings, check boxes and many more options. They then are able to input their own answer choices for the questions. 
  • Survey Monkey allows users to also make surveys based on previous surveys that they have made int he past. There are also options to select pre-made questions with answers that Survey Monkey has generated. Users are also able to change the aesthetics of the survey such as the background or color of it. 
  • Once students have taken the survey, teachers can look at the results of the survey in a variety of different ways. Survey monkey can present the data received through many different charts and will tell users exactly who answered each question etc.
  • This technology is very portable. To access it, all you need is an internet connection.

    I think I am very likely to use Survey Monkey in my future classroom. I like how organized it is and how fun it can make gathering classroom data. I would use it to ask my students how much they know on a topic or how much they think they have learned and I would use it to ask my students about themselves so that I can get an organized data representation of my class. I think my students would enjoy taking the surveys.

Survey Monkey  

Connection to TLC and TPACK:

Survey Monkey connects to the TLC framework because this technology can be used to teach, learn and communicate. Teachers can use Survey Monkey to teach students about collecting data. Students can use Survey Monkey to learn about how to collect data on various topics and can use it as a self relfection on what they think they have learned so far. Survey Monkey provides teachers and students with a way to communicate by providing teachers with organized data collections of student's answers.


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