


Canva is a website that I have selected from my own previous experience of using it in my own educational journey.  

Canva Nasıl Kullanılır? | Girişim Haberleri


What it is 


 Canva is a website where you can design and create projects. 
Educationally, it is a great site to use to create projects such as posters, flyers, presentations and collages.
What Canva is able to create:  
  •  Logos
  • Flyers 
  • Banners
  • Presentations 
  • Posters 
  • Resumes
  • Invitations 
  • Business cards
  • video intros 
  • memes
  • collages
  • Gifs  
  • Alot of other creative projects in regards to social media/professional projects (way too many to list)  


Usage and what it's able to do:  


Canva is able to create a multitude of projects that can enhance learning and creativity in the classroom. It is simple to use and it is a very engaging tool for students to use to create informational projects. For example, instead of having students use poster paper and pens to make a poster, they can make a digital poster where they can put all types of different clip art, texts and links on it. In the classroom, I think the likelihood of me using this technology is very high since it is an easy to use website that can create a multitude of projects that my students can use to show understanding of content. 



    Canva website:




Connection to TLC and 7 Events of Instruction:  


 I believe Canva encompasses all aspects of the teaching, learning and communication framework. This technology can be used to teach, learn and communicate. Content can be creatively projected onto any kind of project to teach it and for students to learn it. This platform is a creative way to communicate in the classroom to display information. Canva also connects to the seven events of instruction because Canva can be used to gain attention, check for understanding, asses the lesson outcome and to present content of course.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Maquela!
    I think your post about Canva is very informative! It seems like a great website for creating all sorts of things, I liked that you listed all its capabilities. I can see myself using Canva in my classroom for creating handouts, posters, etc for students. Good job!


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