Promethean Board


 The technology I have chosen is the  Promethean board. This technology is a tool that I have recently learned about and is being used more and more in classrooms today.


What it is: 
The Promethean Board is an interactive whiteboard that allows you to project an image from a laptop or computer (sort of like a large tablet).

Usage and what it's able to do: 

  •  The board can be connected to laptops or desktops or operate on its own. There are Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity options included in the board. External cameras or document cameras connected to a desktop can also work with Promethean Boards. No matter what you connect to the Promethean Board, you are able to display content to students on a big screen.
  • The board includes ActivPanel, which are displays that allow you to draw, write, select or move objects around. With this, you can display assignments or subject content and edit or interact with it in front of the class.
  • This technology also includes ActivInspire and ClassFlow which are software programs where teachers can make lessons and activities. 

The board is easy to use once you get the hang of how it works. It is a large device with many different ways to use it, so it make take some time to get use to. As for versatility, this technology is able to do many different things other than just display content. The Promethean board allows you to interact in real time with what is being displayed to the class. I think the likelihood of my using this technology in my future classroom is somewhat high because I have seen this technology being used in a lot of schools, however it depends what school district I work in and whether or not they will provide these devices. If I had the choice to have on in my classroom, I would.


Connection to TLC and SAMR:

I think this technology connects to the TLC framework because this device is able to provide a number of other technologies, like websites, to provide students with content to learn. This technology gives teachers multiple different ways to teach content to the class that is engaging and grabs student's attention. Promethean Boards are also a great device for communication because it provides a great way for teachers to teach to the whole classroom in a way that is clearly visible. The Promethean board also connects to the SAMR because this technology falls under augmentation. This technology replaces old ways of teaching like writing on a white baord or on a chalkboard. This technology provides teachers with improvements as well such as being able to display various resources and websites to the class.


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