Microsoft Word
The technology I have selected is Microsoft Word. This technology is a tool from Dr. Wang's PPT and it is specifically from the Google vs. Microsoft list.
What it is:
word is a component of the Microsoft Office suite and can be accessed
from any computer that has an internet connection. This platform allows
students to create, edit and store documents.
Usage and what it's able to do:
- Microsoft Word is very easy to use. It provides students an easy way to create documents.
- Microsoft Word is very portable since it can be used from any computer with internet access and all
of the documents are in one spot. - The abilities of Microsoft Word are endless. In Microsoft Word you are able to choose from a variety of templates, edit fonts, you are able to insert images, and all your current work on your documents auto save.
I think the likelihood of using Microsoft Word in my future classroom is very high because it is a simple platform that is able to do a variety of things and most of all, students are able to easily collaborate with it.
Inside of -----> Microsoft Word
Connection to TLC and SAMR
I believe Microsoft Word
connects to the TLC framework because in the classroom we are able to
teach, learn and communicate on Microsoft Word. Content can be presented
on a Microsoft Word for kids to learn and content can be shared to
with others in class. Microsoft Word also connects to SAMR because it
specifically connects to the S which stands for substitution. Microsoft
word is a substitution instead of using paper and pencil to write
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